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medifile l'application por voir echographie sur téléphone

by MonEcho

Medifile app allows you to share securely reports, images, videos, letters or attachments with your colleagues.


You can also share with your patients their images, documents and prescriptions on their smartphones.

No need to print or duplicate, they have access to the documents you want to share with them via the app, already downloaded over 800,000 times and rated 4.7★ on the stores.

Poster Medifile waiting room Obstetrics.png

Put up this poster in your waiting room allows your patients to know that you use Medifile and to download the app while waiting for their consultation.



To access your images, reports or documents, visit your practitioner's waiting room or download the free Medifile app directly from the download platforms by scanning the QR code below.

Then simply scan the QR code at the bottom of your practitioner's report.

medifile app
Medifile Google play
download Medifile on apple store and play store
Medifile apple store

Medifile users,

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